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This author has now sold over 14,000 resources and has had over 249,000 downloads! Quality resources + memorable classroom environment = outstanding basis to learning.




This author has now sold over 14,000 resources and has had over 249,000 downloads! Quality resources + memorable classroom environment = outstanding basis to learning.
80 deep thinking p4c questions ks1 ks2 ks3 philosophy

80 deep thinking p4c questions ks1 ks2 ks3 philosophy

80 deep thinking p4c questions ks1 ks2 ks3 philosophy. Enough questions for 2 a week for the whole school year! Philosophy for Children (enquiry based learning) offers a way to open up children’s learning through enquiry and the exploration of ideas. Children learn that their ideas have value, and that the ideas of other children have value too. Through Philosophy for Children they realise that they don’t always have to be right, but they gain the confidence to ask questions and learn through discussion. find more resources at uniqueclassrooms.com
The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackery whole school art unit KS2

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackery whole school art unit KS2

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackery whole school art unit KS2 This art unit includes: a powerpoint for all 6 lessons which includes: weblinks to relevant youtube clips examples of sketchbook expectations mastery art discussion points and printables for each lesson. This can be used as a whole school unit and focuses upon the skills of calligraphy, pen drawing, watercolour and planning/reviewing.
20 anagram wheels - fun spelling game!

20 anagram wheels - fun spelling game!

These anagram wheels provide an opportunity for children to practice their spelling techniques/rules as well as having fun! 20 wheels and answers included. please visit my shop to see my other resources! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/erylands
The true story of the three little pigs English Unit based on Jane Considine approach KS2

The true story of the three little pigs English Unit based on Jane Considine approach KS2

This is a complete unit of work based upon Jane Considine’s approach to English. This does not include Jane’s original planning document due to copyright issues. This pack will suit a teacher who is familiar with the approach and just needs the accompanying resources. This pack includes: 3 weeks of flip charts with each learning chunk broken down (over 90 pages) writing sheet for each day to support the learning chunks home learning sheets for lockdown! plot point support and more! The book this supports is ‘The True story of the Three Little Pigs’ by Jon Scieszka
10 KS2 maths investigations

10 KS2 maths investigations

Suitable for morning work, homework, starters, plenaries and whole lessons. Answers are provided on the following slide when needed.
24 creative writing prompts

24 creative writing prompts

Use as independent activity cards, extensions, homework challenges, big write, assessment writing evidence, guided writes, SPAG lesson responses, talk for writing and more!
10 creative write posters = SPAG focus

10 creative write posters = SPAG focus

Each picture has a set of questions to engage, promote thinking, writing and SPAG. Great for use as a ‘Big write’ prompt, P4C, talk partner work, speaking and listening tasks, story starters, newspaper reports, visual reading and comprehension, writing starters, homework challenges and more! pdf and editable powerpoint included
KS2 reasoning paper year 6

KS2 reasoning paper year 6

This reasoning paper is in the style of the reasoning paper 2 - 2016 SATs papers. Each question is based on the same objective from the 2016 tests but are adapted with different numbers/shapes/scales etc. These test will help you gage whether or not your year 6 pupils are on track to meet the standards for the end of year 6. ALL ANSWERS PROVIDED to enable self marking the questions are based on the following objectives: missing number boxes 2 step worded questions temperature data reading fractions/equivalent fractions converting time clock reading multiples algebra decoding of pictures drawing shapes roman numerals mathematical language match up rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 missing angles mean averages pie chart data fraction word problems mass find more here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/5-reasoning-sats-papers-paper-3-year-6-11431596
ks2 maths challenge cards - fun!

ks2 maths challenge cards - fun!

Suitable for independent using and applying, trails, extension tasks, morning challenges, GandT and more! this is a sample of my paid resource - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/over-70-ks2-challenge-cards-11152899 or visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/erylands
maths puzzles - tricky! KS2

maths puzzles - tricky! KS2

MATHS PUZZLES USING THE 4 OPERATIONS this is a fun way for children to practice the 4 operations whist trying to solve a puzzle systematically! please visit my shop to see my other resources! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/erylands


everything you need for a working wall: maths symbols lettering printable backing paper and border fraction wall multiplication grid number 1-10 number lines number blocks more than/less than symbols and more!
spag terms matching game grammar

spag terms matching game grammar

all of the key spag terms are broken down with the name, definition and meaning (different coloured slides) print the slides and get the children to match up. This can also be used as a pairs game if you print 2 copies. print 2 or 4 slides to a page to save ink! 72 slides included.
War Horse production script 'child friendly'

War Horse production script 'child friendly'

this script is based on Michael Morpergo's book war horse. This is a child friendly script and can accommodate a few children to a whole class or year group. The script can be used to compare to the original book, used as a production or as a unit of work in literacy. Please note: this is NOT the broadway script or in anyway associated with the stage show.


this powerpoint presentation is designed to stretch the more able whist being accessible for all abilities in KS2. there are numerous questions, extensions, tasks and questions to engage children.
180 literacy challenges KS1 KS2

180 literacy challenges KS1 KS2

this resource contains 180 challenges that can be used as starters, plenaries, fillers, morning work, treasure hunts, displays, working walls and for homework challenges. there is enough challenges for a different one each morning throughout the school year.
all year 5/6 spellings word wheels

all year 5/6 spellings word wheels

This spelling activity includes all the year 5/6 spellings from the statutory government list. The wheels are made up of the words below. Can the children unscramble them to make the whole word? what words can they make using the letters? what spelling patterns can they see? what are the meanings of the words? use for spelling interventions, morning tasks, homework support and more... accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached available average awkward bargain bruise category cemetery committee communicate community competition conscience* conscious* controversy convenience correspond criticise curiosity definite desperate determined develop dictionary disastrous embarrass environment equipment especially exaggerate excellent existence explanation familiar foreign forty frequently government guarantee harass hindrance identity immediate(ly) individual interfere interrupt language leisure lightning marvellous mischievous muscle necessary neighbour nuisance occupy occur opportunity parliament persuade physical prejudice privilege profession programme pronunciation queue recognise recommend relevant restaurant rhyme rhythm sacrifice secretary shoulder signature sincere soldier stomach sufficient suggest symbol system temperature thorough twelfth variety vegetable vehicle yacht
KS2 place value pack

KS2 place value pack

this pack includes differentiated tasks, homework, planning, notebook presentation and more! please see my shop for more resources
30 quick fire SPAG challenges

30 quick fire SPAG challenges

30 spag challenges with answers on the following slide. resource includes challenges on: adjectives nouns synonyms capital letters inverted commas commas verbs model verbs uplevelling colons and more! these can be used as starters, plenaries, quizzes, teaching main lessons or why not use them as a SPAG hunt around the school! This resource will benefit children who are taking the new spag SATs paper or who need a boost.
maths book scrutiny sheet

maths book scrutiny sheet

clear and visual sheet to scrutinise maths books. 6 clear focus topics (fully editable), space for context, areas of strength and areas to develop. please see my other maths resources in my shop.